Thursday, March 12, 2009

Scrimmage v Red Wing, Part 4

Sometimes forwards play defense, too. But don't get your hopes up. I don't have many photos of forwards playing defense.

Here's Willy.

Wyatt and Andy.

Wyatt and Max B.

A photo of Hunter doing his job. But without Wyatt.

Here's another photo that Wyatt isn't in. Reading left to right that's Max D., Eric, Matthew and Andy.

So in this storm of defensiveness (catch the pun?) one key player has been left out. I'm not sure how it happened. When I first noticed it I went through every photo I had left from the game, those that survived the first merciless edit in which I get rid of everything that's badly composed, that's blurry (unless something important like a goal happened), that I've posted a dozen times before or that's just not right for the blog. But there were no survivors with him in it. I know he was there, since I saw him sitting on the bench after he got off the ice. Sorry about that, Jackson. How about during the Wings of Spring I just take photos of Jackson and players on offense? ("Why not," she says. "That's what you've been doing all along anyway.")

Come back tomorrow for one more special post before the Wings of Spring tournament. Good luck to all our players and coaches for the season finale. See you all at the rink!


Anonymous said...

So I made a huge mistake and forget to to give Willy a ride home (I am really sorry for that), and now you go and "edit" Jackson out of all the hockey pictures.

The power of the press!

I deserve your wrath, but could I at least purchase some of your photos of Jackson from this year?

Mark Dellen said...

Le roi, c'est moi.

Yes, you can purchase photos of Jackson from me. I'm going to figure out a system so that everyone can get what they want at cost.

Start picking out what you want. All you need is the name and date of the post, and I can work it from there.