Is Minneapolis Park in our league or not? They're not in our district, that's for sure. We played them earlier in the season, and won easily. We didn't win on Saturday, February 7.

Here's Eric chasing one of the opponents. Take a good look. You can't see it in the photo, but he's wearing jersey number 20. His skates have a distinctive neon green triangle on them. You will see him several times over the next few posts. He played well, and dominated much of the game. Superior stick handling and speed helped him move the puck and score.

Here's Max B. moving the puck along. That's number 20 right behind him.

It was a busy game for our goalies. Here, a shot came in from the left side of the photo. Andy P. made the save...

...but another opponent followed the puck into the crease from the right and was there for the rebound. Fortunately, so was Marco. He and Andy between them finally stopped them in this case.

Our team didn't look so strong throughout the first period, and we were already behind. Coach McCoy used the situation as a teaching moment. The other coaches studiously looked away so as not to distract the players from the full effect of the Coach's commentary.
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