Here's terrific example of a player taking the puck in for a shot on goal. Max B. often plays defense, but this time he fakes out several of the Johnson players as he plays offense.

He eludes number 15 when he feints left but goes right.

Then, another Johnson player tries a well tested close-to-the-ice defensive maneuver. I thought Max was going to end up in a pile-up.

But Max didn't fall for the trap, and starts to move around the Johnson player...

...who then attempts another common strategy involving a carefully placed skate.

Overcoming that obstacle as well, Max flipped the puck up for his shot. Great job, Max.
Dave, Max's dad, said, "not bad when half the blackjack defense gets to play offense, too." Now Dave's from the Range, and those guys REALLY know hockey...blackjack, hmmm, blackjack defense. So you have to ask...Let's just say that Dave can really put two and two together, or in this case, seven and fourteen.
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