Our offensive lines had a terrific night against Shakopee on Thursday at the north rink of Parade Ice Gardens.
We lost to Shakopee in Eagan a few weeks ago. That was the infamous game that Matthew missed because the folks at the Eagan rink couldn't sharpen his skates properly. They ground the edge off the back part of one blade, and he simply couldn't skate on it. After three attempts at sharpening the skates, the management of the Eagan arena gave up, and Matthew sat out, much to his disgust and annoyance. There was a lesson there about making sure your skates were sharpened by your regular shop before a big game.
There was none of those problems last night, and the team won easily with 5 goals to Shakopee's 1.


Marco took quite a hit during the first period. There was a loud 'pop', it spun him around and Marco was down for longer than anyone likes to see. The game had to be stopped while he got his wind back. But he eventually skated to the bench, and was back on shift shortly. This photo was taken right after the hit.


In this evening's performance, Max D. played the role of Andy P. He took over from Andrew S., who played Andy P. in a previous game. (Andy is very generous to share a jersey when other players forget theirs.)

Max D. wasn't the only player to forget equipment. Jackson wore his practice jersey, not realizing that a game would be played during the ice time. Eric forgot his helmet, but Coach McCoy got the rink management to find him a loaner from lost and found. All this missing equipment notwithstanding, the team played really well against a group of tough opponents.