Photos of Richfield Squirt A hockey action. This Richfield team includes players from the Richfield and Washburn Associations during the 2008-2009 season.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Wings of Spring--Game 3, Part 1
Remember, Blue has blue letters and Orange has orange letters, at least for this game.
All photos of youth hockey players on this web site copyright 2009 by Mark Dellen. Family members of skaters can download them for their personal use. All other uses prohibited without written permission.
Family members can get photos in several ways.
Do-it-yourself: double click on the photo to make it bigger, then right click or command click to download it to your computer. Now that you have an electronic copy you can take it to your favorite place or print it off yourself. They should look OK up to about 5" by 7".
Get my help: find a photo you like, and post a comment using the button on the bottom of the post. That will send me an email. Mention the title of the post and describe the photo you like. I can then generate a much bigger version that will look better at larger sizes. How big depends on how much cropping I did to produce the photo you see. The most recent photos taken at the Wings of Spring tournament had minimal cropping. Many should look good up to about 13" by 19". I'll generate a big file and save it to a DVD. Either I can take a batch over to a photo processor or you can. If I do it, I'll ask only for reimbursement of actual costs. I'll try to post some examples of possible costs later.
Please let me know if you'd like one of the photos on this site. They're free to families of the players. Any other use requires written permission of the copyright holder. All photos on this site copyright 2008, 2009 by Mark Dellen. All rights reserved.
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